Currently listing 292 recipes in 6 categories!

Latest Recipes
About Us:

The Tefal Actifry is in todays terms a 'healthy deep fat fryer'. With its revolutionary technology, the Tefal Actifry allows you to cook chips, meat, fish, vegatables, chicken nuggets, dippers and lots more using just on small measure of cooking oil and yet still get that beautiful crisp deep fried taste.

What we have decided to do here is create a collection of recipes for the Actifry from around the internet, and to encourage people to add their own recipes and experiences. Included is the original recipes from the Tefal Actifry Hand Book.

It would be great to get people to list their own fantastic recipes so that others can give them a try and so everyone can get full value out of their product.

Even though promotes both the product, and the use of the product, we are in no way affiliated or related to any part of Tefal or any of its products.

Link To Us

We have a growing number of healthy recipes for the tefal actifry on our site
These recipes are largely submitted by our users.

Please feel free to use them, however if you do then a link back to where they came from would be in order as a thank you



Text Link
To display a text link like this: : The best FREE Actifry Recipe Site on the Net

Use this code in your website
<p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong> : The best FREE Actifry Recipe Site on the Net</strong></a></p>


Banner Link
To display a banner link like this:

Banner Link To : The best FREE Actifry Recipe Site on the Net

Use this code in your website
<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Banner Link To : The best FREE Actifry Recipe Site on the Net" width="750" height="70" border="0"></a></p>