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Latest Recipes1 cauliflower
1tbsp of oil
*Tip (by the way if you add cumin to cauliflower in the boiling water it will give a great taste and prevent stomach bloating after eating cauliflower, and broccoli as well)
i made this delicious cauliflower recipe and i thought of sharing it with you :) it tasted like chicken nuggets and my children loved it, veryyy good for picky eaters.
cut the cauliflower into small florets and boil or microwave (don't over do it to keep it crunchy) (by the way if u add cumin to cauliflower in the boiling water it will give a great taste and prevent stomach bloating after eating cauliflower, and broccoli as well)
after boiling, drain, then cover the small florets with flour
dip in egg then breadcrumbs
for extra crunchy cauliflower you can repeat the egg and breadcrumbs coats once again, you can season the eggs and breadcrumbs with any herbs you like
remove the paddle from the actifry and add the coated florets on one layer in the actifry (mine take about 20 florets, i usually do 2 or 3 batches) then sprinkle with 1tbsp of oil, cook for 15 minutes, then add the paddle and cook for another 5 minutes or until golden brown.
looks amazing right?
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This came out really, really good - thank you. I used frozen cauliflower and it did not need any boiling/microwaving before. I just let it cook initially for 22 minutes and then added the paddle.
I tried varients of just adding crumbs and egg mix with the paddle but they looked awful.
Left by: Gals (29 Jan 2016)
I haven't made this yet but I do like that you said when to remove or add the paddle. I am a newbie to this kind of cooking and it helps so much when told when to use the paddle. Thank you. Left by: sandra stout (20 Mar 2014)
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